4000 km promoting blood donation

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4000 km promoting blood donation

Post by juleblay »

Hello everybody !
My name is Julien, I'm a french cycist of 24 years old.
I write to you because I have planed to come and ride bike for the organisation "The great Heart travelers" (http://voyage-grand-coeur.org
My goal is to promote the blood donation. I have been transfused when I was younger and it's my way to thanks the blood givers and to show that it saves life. I have already biked around Europe in 2004 and New Zealand in 2005. In 2006, I will ride around Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia. You can see the itinerary on http://j.leblay.free.fr/balkans.html
This itinerary could change. For exemple, I wonder if it's possible to go in Kosovo...

I don't know anything about Serbia ! That's why i want to come and ride there, to discover your country and people ! If you have any suggestions about my itinerary, you are more than welcome !

I'm also looking for some contacts with the red cross or the blood donation in Serbia. Usualy, i try to organise some blood collections on my way, with journalists and what ever. If you can help me for that it would be great !!

Of course, if some of you want to ride with me for a while, you are more than welcome !!

Thanks a lot for all your informations and hope to hear from you soon !

Dovidjenja !
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Post by IRalic »

Welcome Julien :-)

I'll give You few words about cycling in Kosovo.

I've cycled there in 2004.
Route: Leskovac-Medvedja-Pristina-Skopje(macedonia)

Everything went smooth,and bare in mind that I'm a Serb,
and local people are not very fond of us.

Some serious situation can happen,if someone of "the bad guys"
found that i was who I was.

We (27 cyclist) were advised NOT to use serbo-croatian language,
or any sloven like language,like Russian,Polish,etc
as we could get in serious trouble,be kidnapped and killed. I am SERIOUS !

However,since You are French,You should do just fine,
if You stay on main roads,and don't sleep,or rest in dodgy places.
With some reasonable care,You could do just fine.

However,I don't know what is the purpose of Your visiting Kosovo.
All I can say,that there is nothing much to see there.

You can check out my story,about my trip,
including the Kosovo part here: www.geocities.com/rrralic/balticycle.html

People were generally nice,but also not to much happy about us.
The main roads were in not so bad condition,
and Pristina-Skopje road was very smooth.

I MUST say that woman in our group had very though time dealing
with kosovar man,who have acted like a bunch of monkeys,
that saw a woman for the first time in there life.
They were very unkind,shouting form cars,staring ..
Girls got very upset with this,and felt very unsafe to be in such an environment.

It's the most filthiest place on earth I've ever seen in my life,
where standards of hygiene are very low.
Do note,that even in summer months,they don't have
electricity few hours a day, so naturally refrigerators don't work all the time,
so eating something could easily result in food poisoning.
For instance,I've bought yogurt in a shop,
and it was way do bad .. drinking it would get me in a hospital that evening.
And the person who sold me it,didn't care one bit,when I returned it,and said it was bad.
She said : "you shouldn't have bought it,if you didn't want it" !?
well,i didn't know it has gone bad,before i've opened it :\

I wouldn't go there again,as there is really nothing nice to see.

So,it is possible to go there,if You insist,
but take note,that no one can guarantee your personal safety.
Do keep an eye on current situation,if You decide to go there,
as local conflicts can happen anytime.

Would You travel with some kind of support vehicle ?
As I see on Your pictures,You have no bagage,and ride a road bike.

I wouldn't recomend a road bike for Balkan roads,if You ask me.
You should get something with fat tires,
ans suspension too :)

Cheers !

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Thank you !

Post by juleblay »

Thanks Igor for all this information,

Riding in Kosovo is not an obligation in my trip. I just wondered if it's possible to go there as i will ride just along the border.... In fact, I will ride between Rozaje to Andrijevica (Montenegro), and I wondered if it would be ok to ride through Pec (Kosovo) instead of Berane... It's just
some kilometers.

The purpose of my trip is to organise some blood collections on my way, to promoteblood donatin. As well, i thought it would be a good idea to go there too, as I go in Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia... Anyway, i will see that when I will be there !

I will not have a road bike ! It was just for the first tour around Europe. In New Zealand I had a mountain bike with 25 kg of lugages ! I will not have any support vehicle, I will be by my own.

What do you think about the itinerary ? Do you think I should go somewhere else in some part of your country ?

I would like to be in touch with the red cross to organise some blood collection. But I don't have any contact. If you know somebody who could help me, it would be great !

Thank you very much for all this informations. The situation seems to be still very difficult in such part of balkans. Hope that peace will come for all of you !

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Post by IRalic »

Hej :-)

You'r welcome :)

You'll be on a mtb,then ok .. but wait ! why are You not riding a recumbent !!?? :-)

Mhm,I see .. it would be cool,cause there are two very nice mountain passes there,if You like them,Rozaj-Kula-Pec & Pec-Cakor-Murino

I think that part of Kosovo is mostly with Albanian inhabitants,
so there should be no serb-albanian tension there,
but I really have no idea how it is down there.
It is a sort of a main road,if one goes from that part of Kosovo to Montenegro,
but I'm not sure how it is down there.
I can only say about the part where I was cycling.

I have no idea how do locals down there would feel about a stranger on the bike.
The best I think,if You want to try it,is to go till the border,
and then ask border police how safe it is,etc.

As about the proposed route,I'm not really a specialist.
Some of my friends could suggest some details better then me.

I would suggest that when going to Novi Sad,
You take the less frequent route,on the right bank of Danube river.
From Novi Sad to Belgrad,You could go just straight,
80km on the main road,but some parts are in bad condition(and it is impossible to avoid it,the part which takes You over Fruska Gora)
and there is a lot of traffic.
You could do a route that follows the Danube,
a bit longer,about 95-100km,but almost with zero traffic for most part.
With few fish food restaurants,and 2 swimming opportunities,in the Danube ofcourse.
Not a best place to swim,but people do,and it sure sounds tempting
for a cyclist on a hot summer day :)

The route from Belgrad to Montenegro is really popular,
so many people have done it,and there are even altitude profiles ready for some routes,along with detail directions.

Usually there are two ways to get to the Adriatic.
One goes through western Serbia,over Tara(must see),
and Zlatibor mountains,
and possibly a part through Bosnia (Visegrad-Foca-Piva lake)
and then over Durmitor mountain and Tara canyon.
You really shouldn't miss Durmitor,and Tara canyon

The other route will be,as You've thought,through central Serbia,
over Pester highlands (nice place,very different from the rest of serbia) Ivanjica-Novi Pazar
and then down to Berane,or Andrijevica,Kolasin
and then down towards Podgorica
via the minor road,which goes south of the main road.
Also there are some remote mountain lakes not to be missed there,
just along the border with Albania.
Then from Podgorica,You should go to Skadarsko lake,
that is an ABSOLUTE must see.
You should do a route that goes near the lake,around Rumija mt.
and then,if You wish to get a glimpse at Albania,
You could visit Skadar town,
and then back to Montenegro up the coast to Tivat,around Boka Kotorska,
a must see,the biggest fjord (and only one i think) in this part of Europe.

To really see everything in Serbia and Montenegro You must zig-zag quite a lot.
So You must choose Your route,according to Your time,
or whatever limitations You have.
It is the best not to have them at all,ain't it !? :)
And also,it will depend on how much You like the mountains.
If You like to ride a bike up the hills,or You look for a route that is more flat.

Do You plan to camp,or will stay in motels/hotels ?

For the description of "central" route,go here: http://host.sezampro.yu/freebiking/Turo ... adrzaj.htm

for few pictures,maps,and altitude profiles.
To bad You cant understand the text.

And for "western" route here: http://host.sezampro.yu/freebiking/Turo ... adrzaj.htm


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Post by juleblay »

Eh, thank you very much, you should be a guide !!

So, I think i will change a little bit my itinerary to go to Tara mountains from Belgrad, Valjevo. After that I will go as I wanted, to Novi Pazar, through Ivanjica.

I have some time limits, so I can't see all your country !
Yeah, I like mountains !! I come from a volcanic area in France and just have riden 2750 km in New Zealand, very steep and windy country ! I will ride around 80 km per day, so it can be steep, no worries !

You are probably right for Kosovo. I will see at he border... The road seems to be nice there.

I will aslo try to go to Albania (Shkadar) and will come back tosee the fjord.

There is only you who ride in Serbia ? Or you are the only cyclist on this forum ?!

Hope there will have a blood collection for my way in Belgrad. Hope to see you there ?!
Greetings from France !
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Re: GREAT !!

Post by IRalic »

juleblay wrote: There is only you who ride in Serbia ? Or you are the only cyclist on this forum ?!

He hee !! :-)

No,of course not :-)

I'm just the one who has nothing better to to right now ;)

Anyway,the forum is not much big,as You can see.
Usualy our emailing list has more "trafic" as some of the people
prefer mailing list then forum.

Most people view the forum like once a week or so,
so I hope there will be more answers to You later.

Feel free to join the emailing list,and ask any questions in english.
its a yahoo list at freebiking@yahoogroups.com
You will have to register with Yahoo,to get Yahoo ID,if You already dont have one.

Greetings :)

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Post by juleblay »

Hi !

i have forgotten to answer some questions:
- what is a recumbent ?
- I will be on camping. I have my own tent and everything to cook.

i will maybe change again the itinerary to go to the national park of Durmitor, on the west border...
I have to choose where to go, it's not easy !

Hope to hear some of your friends too !!

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Post by Makarenko »

Visit http://www.manytracks.com/Recumbent/RecumbentShare.htm and you will see what are recumbents. Many kinds of them. All home made.
I never rode one, but I hope I will soon.
However, it does look comfortable and it is, probably, best option for long distance rides. As I can understand, recumbents are not good in climbing hills, so on steep hills it may require pushing the bike instead of pedalling.
There are lot of sites dedicated to `bents, where you can find more information.
If you are interested I can provide you with URL`s.
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Post by IRalic »

Yeap :) those are 'bents

But don't be scared of that crapy looking home made things ;)

Check out www.bentrideronline.com for more info.

I myself,plan to get a 'bent,and the tadpole trike that is (tadpole-2 wheels in the front,and one drive wheel at the back)

Why ? - well,I just got a bit tired of aking wrists and aking but,
after long time in the sadle.
If I cycle not more then 60-70 km a day (about 4 hours),on a "normal" bike
I can be ok in most situations.
But more time,and day by day - no thank You !
I'll rather get something more comfortable for that.

I woudnt agree that 'bents are bad up the hill.
Not at all,some find that they climb much beter,and faster with a 'bent.
The problem might appear with a recumbent bicycle,
as you can't balance like on a normal bike,when going really slow.
And it is also hart to start on a steep hill.

Trike has NO such problems,cause naturaly it has 3 wheels,
and NO need for balancing !
Trike equiped with proper low gearing (and it usualy is,with 20" wheel a tthe back,or even 16")
can creep up ANY steep hil,pedaling comfortable at a cadnece about 80-90 rpm,and going 3-4 km/h
Yes it can go THAT slow !
Thats slower then walking,but far less easier then walking :)

Only palace where 'bents are not good as upright bikes,
are on offroad.
You can't shift your weight,and that is a problem.
2 wheel bents are not for slipery roads.

However the trike has NO problems with slipery surfaces,
as it has 3 wheels,and you cant fall down,due to loosing your front wheel.
Gravel roads are actualy unbelievely FUN on a trike !
But it has its limitations,as the ground clearance is limited,
and it has 3 wheel tracks,so it will have dificulties on roads with deep ruths/tracks.

But it excels in everything else then tought mtb single tracks.

Get a 'bent,and never feel the pain again ! :D
And,did You know that bents can do more miles then uprights ?
Yee,they do that too,first,better aerodinamic profile (espacialy nice when You ride against the wind)
and way to comfortable,and eficient riding position.
And after 100km you fell like new,while people on upright bikes had enough km's for that day,and need rest,you feel like you could do it again :)

Durmitor :) I've told You,there are meny things to see :) and its hard to make a choice ..

But if You miss something,You can allways go back next time :)

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Post by juleblay »

Ok, I see. We wall that only "bent" in France.
I have never tried it, but, as you, i would like to try once ! A lot of people go around the world with that. Soon, two french guys will go for a world tour with a bent with a sail...!
Anyway, I will ride with a classic bike in your country, sorry...!
Nice to meet you Makarenko ;-)
see you
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Post by IRalic »

Here are some nice photos:






Note the other guy,pushing his fancy road bike up that hill,
and having a really hard time,
whila Larry is just chillin' ,riding up the hill,hands free :)
And check out just how STEEP is that hill !!


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So easy...!

Post by juleblay »

Eh, it's so easy to ride bike...!
Great pictures.
Problem : you have one wheel more : you have one chance more to have a puncture...!
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Re: So easy...!

Post by IRalic »

juleblay wrote: Problem : you have one wheel more : you have one chance more to have a puncture...!

Puncture !? what is that ? :)

I hardly ever get them. 8)

And when I do,it's pinch puncture,
or really rare occasion when I catch a thorn in the woods.

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Post by Jovanovic »

Salut, Julien.
Let's get on a little bit finer tuning of your route!

>So, I think i will change a little bit my itinerary to go to Tara mountains from >Belgrad, Valjevo. After that I will go as I wanted, to Novi Pazar, through Ivanjica.

You have no reason to visit Novi Pazar (that means something like New Marketplace). The town is ugly and the paysage is a little bit proizaic. From Ivanjica you should ride over Golija mountain to Duga Poljana, go on way down south to Karajukića Bunari, after Bunari turn left, over Hum mountain to Tutin, then to Rožaje and Berane. Take a look at Duga Poljana - Karajukića Bunari - Tutin part on http://www.flickr.com/photos/jovanovic/sets/944592/, it's very interesting. And in central route (as Igor said), too. I could provide you with some more tehnical information about it.
If you like mountains, turn a la gauche in Berane, to Andrijevica and then between Bjelasica and Komovi. Komovi (les Coms, it's plural) are beaucoup atractive mountain peaks. You can climb them on feet, if you are expirienced mountain - hiker.

Again if you like mountains, follow central route via Rikavačko jezero (Rikavacko lake), it's great (see at http://www.flickr.com/photos/jovanovic/sets/802562/, too), but let me tell you it's very heavy (see altitude profile of c.r.). I guess it's much easier via Bukumirsko jezero, and I guess it's still nice.

>>I will aslo try to go to Albania (Shkadar) and will come back tosee the fjord.

No need to "try", it's very easy. There is no complication riding from Podgorica to Bar via Shkadar, it's just a little bit boring. There's not much to see, except if ya just want to see a piece of Albania. Shkadar looks very, hm, antitouristic and it was interesting to me. See http://www.flickr.com/photos/jovanovic/sets/802562/ again. Maybe I'll try to translate my comments.

If I were you, I wouldn't ride via seaside from Bar to Boka Kotorska fjord. The traffic is very heavy during summer and there are some other interesting routes and places to see. Key words : Rijeka Crnojevića (rijeka means river), Lovćen, Lovćenske strane (great view to fjord), but let someone else describe it. Il y a much more than 2 hikers on this forum, tu va see.
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Post by pedja »

juleblay, do you have GPS?
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